Grasping At Clouds
Trying to hold onto his boyhood is like trying to hold onto water. Or air. Or clouds. Or weather. It's not possible to hold onto...
Ebbs and flows. One minute I'm drowning, the next I'm floating. Or swimming. Or dog paddling. Always moving, never still. When my son...
Where there's life....
...there's hope. Truths have been revealed and yes he did bad things. Took deadly drugs. Many bad things. I believe his mind and body...
Day 2 in the Trenches
When you learn some terrible terrible news and then go to bed…the next day you awaken from a night of fitful sleep and reality nudges...
Taking the Bullet
Why do these 20 something boy addicts have to say such hurtful things? Why can’t they see that they are talking to the one person in the...